Soprano Céline Janssen shows in pub atmosphere how hip, funny and sexy opera can be

'Opera voor Dummies' showed soprano Céline Janssen in a playful and light-hearted way how hip, funny, sexy and moving opera can be. Now there is a sequel with 'Operacafé,' a performance that is once again full of energy, humor and beautiful singing. As we have come to expect from her, she provides the necessary surprise effects, high notes and togetherness. Because who would expect a tearjerker, a life song or a solid rock song in opera style? This time Céline chose a café as setting. Because where in life does as much happen as in opera? Exactly, in a pub. All the ingredients are present there that you also see in opera: jealousy, joy, anger, sadness, love and friendship.

including (break) drink


  • Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025 at 8:30 p.m.


  • CJP (Cultural Youth Passport).€ 20,50

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