Village Tour Waspik


Den Bolder
Schoolstraat 19
5165 TR Waspik
Plan your route

from your location

Walk or bike through Waspik together with one of our guides. During the route you can listen to stories and facts about Waspik, supported by audio. You will be surprised with what the beautiful village of Waspik has to offer from the past and present. So an ideal opportunity to do a tour of the village in about 2.5 hours!

Halfway through the round there is the opportunity for a coffee break and visit to 1 of the churches.
The tour is ideal for a team or board outing.

The tour is by request and will continue with a minimum of 5 people. Send an email to: to coordinate the possibilities.


  • Every Saturday at 1 p.m.


  • € 7,00

here you go

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