Trumpeter in Auschwitz (reprise)

The gripping story of Auschwitz prisoner 163848

'Trumpeter in Auschwitz' is a story of survival and clinging to the smallest glimmer of beauty in an otherwise completely dark world. It is a story about one of the blackest pages in world history, which shows how important it is that we continue to remember. Thomas Cammaert and Soy Kroon tell and play the extraordinary, moving story of Lex van Weren, the trumpeter at Auschwitz.

Lex van Weren was born in 1920 and grew up in Amsterdam. It spele...

The gripping story of Auschwitz prisoner 163848

'Trumpeter in Auschwitz' is a story of survival and clinging to the smallest glimmer of beauty in an otherwise completely dark world. It is a story about one of the blackest pages in world history, which shows how important it is that we continue to remember. Thomas Cammaert and Soy Kroon tell and play the extraordinary, moving story of Lex van Weren, the trumpeter at Auschwitz.

Lex van Weren was born in 1920 and grew up in Amsterdam. He taught himself to play the trumpet. When during the Second World War the entire Van Weren family was rounded up and deported to Auschwitz extermination camp, it was the trumpet that saved his life. The only one of the family, as a member of the camp orchestra, he manages to survive the terrible time in the camp as prisoner 163848. In 1980, after years of silence, writer Dick Walda persuaded him to tell his story. That shocking and emotional account is at the heart of this intimate production: "Poignant theater that gets inside." (Dagblad van het Noorden ★★★★)

including (break) drink


  • Tuesday, March 18, 2025 8 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.


  • CJP (Cultural Youth Passport).from €20.75 to €22.75
  • Adults€ 26,50

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