The Return Trip Drama/Comedy - Film
The journey back
Martin van Waardenberg and Leny Breederveld play the lead roles in a melancholy but also humorous road movie focusing on memories, years of love and acceptance of change.
Jaap has been together with Maartje for almost 50 years. Whereas the petulant Jaap no longer feels much like doing things, the sometimes somewhat confused Maartje is still full of a zest for life. When the couple receives a letter from an old vacation friend, Jaap is reluctantly persuaded to visit him in Southern Europe. So many years later, the two travel in their old car through a totally changed Europe; bickering, but also retrieving one memory after another. Along the way, Jaap comes to the painful realization that his wife is demented. Realizing that everything might change, they learn anew why they love each other.
- € 8,00