Proverbial route - City Harbor
From the vista in the Vismarkt
Feeling like a fish in water means that you feel completely at ease somewhere. A fish needs water to feel comfortable. So it is actually the same with this city: Heusden owes its existence to water. Because of its good location, on the river Maas, Heusden was able to grow.
From a slate<
/strong>As you stand in the fish bank, the building with a slate roof, you have a mo...
From the vista in the Vismarkt
Feeling like a fish in water means that you feel completely at ease somewhere. A fish needs water to feel comfortable. That's actually how it is with this city: Heusden owes its existence to water. Because of its good location, on the river Maas, Heusden was able to grow.
From a slateroof
If you stand in the fish bank, the building with a slate roof, you have a beautiful view of the harbor. The large fishing ships that sailed on the Meuse used to arrive here. The history of the city harbor was not easy. Very early, this was also a port, but at some point they filled (= closing) the port. The large fishing boats no longer needed to come here and the harbor was turned into a large square. In 1970, with the great restoration of Heusden, they decided to dig the harbor again! It is now a small marina; you don't see the big fishing boats here anymore.
Fact by Sjors
Around the harbor is a dike that ensures dry feet when the water of the Meuse is high. The harbour is closed off with bulkheads under the drawbridge.
Continue route
Walk left past the fish bank around the city harbor so you can walk across the beautiful drawbridge to the mill. Is the drawbridge open? Then walk right from the fish bank around the harbor to the mill.