Audio clip: From necessity to pride


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Click here for the audio clip From necessity to pride

This audio clip is part of the Learning Route Waalwijk. View the route here.

Grandpa: In the 1960s, the demand for cheap labor grew. Guest workers from Southern Europe, former Yugoslavia, Turkey and Morocco were brought to the Netherlands especially for this purpose. We were extremely happy with their help in the tanneries and a multicultural society arose in Waalwijk.

Sanne: Ahaa. Yes you still see a lot of different people for a small town like Waalwijk. That certainly took some getting used to at the time for both you and them I guess?

Grandpa: Absolutely, but it was a wonderful ti...

Click here for the audio clip From necessity to pride

This audio clip is part of the Learning Route Waalwijk. View the route here.

Grandpa: In the 1960s, the demand for cheap labor grew. Guest workers from Southern Europe, former Yugoslavia, Turkey and Morocco were brought to the Netherlands especially for this purpose. We were extremely happy with their help in the tanneries and a multicultural society arose in Waalwijk.

Sanne: Ahaa. Yes you still see a lot of different people for a small town like Waalwijk. That certainly took some getting used to at the time for both you and them I guess?

Grandpa: Absolutely, but it was a wonderful time! Although many people did the work out of necessity, we look back on it fondly. That teaching is part of who we are. I learned the trade from my father, and he again from his father. "Shoemakers, stick to your last" my grandfather used to joke. I am proud of our past and look to the future to you... Do you already know what you want to do?

Sanne: For my assignment now, I have lots of ideas. But the future...? Yes, I think it would be very nice to design shoes but more sustainable. Also for the workers. Then we can really enjoy them for a long time. Thank you grandpa.

here you go

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