Beukenlaantje Walking park proverb trail


Plantlust 163
5141 ST Waalwijk
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Walking around someone with a bow
The beautiful Beukenlaantje is part of the Walking Park. To "walk with a bow around someone," means to take great pains to avoid running into someone you don't really want to see. At Beukenlaantje, you'll find the Park Pavilion on the left. Did you know that this Meeting Center was added to the Walking Park a few years after it was built? Volunteers organize a variety of activities there that bring people together. So the purpose of the Park Pavilion is not to walk around someone in circles, but to do fun things together and engage in conversation. fun!
Did you read the poems on the signs...

Walking around someone with a bow
The beautiful Beukenlaantje is part of the Walking Park. To "walk with a bow around someone," means to take great pains to avoid running into someone you don't really want to see. At Beukenlaantje, you'll find the Park Pavilion on the left. Did you know that this Meeting Center was added to the Walking Park a few years after it was built? Volunteers organize a variety of activities there that bring people together. So the purpose of the Park Pavilion is not to walk in circles around someone, but to do fun things together and engage in conversation. Fun!
Have you seen the poems on the signs along the route? There is also one at Beukenlaantje and if you pay attention, you will come across more. The poems are presented to you on a wooden tray and are part of the poetry trail you can walk.

here you go

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